Using our Ultraviolet Light System in the air purifier, we can kill germs in the air
More infoWith multi-layer filters, filter out unhealthy particles from the air you breathe
More infoThis unit covers a bigger area than other air purifiers for the floor space it occupies
A space saving and value for money unit. The Germitrol 520 serves a big area of coverage at ~2000sqft. This unit is used for big spaces, like offices, workshops and hospitals and can help fight sick building syndrome.
Once deployed, it will effectively kill germs in big areas and also trap fine particles. This is an all round solution because of its dual function and the ability to be used in majority of locations.
The Germitrol 520 was design to prevent clutter when dealing with germ killing. Using only the floor space of most standard air purifier, you can cover up to 5 times the area of most other air purifiers.
Be economical, by only maintaining 1 unit instead of 4 to 5 units.